- Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12 , ANSI body to develop Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standards.
- ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) information:
- Search Yahoo
- ADSL Forum
- Dan Kegel's page , Mostly historical (last supported 1996).
- Tutorial on this technology for data over twisted pair
- ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
- ANSI National Standards Search Engine
- Application Binary Interface Standard , ABI+ Group for Intel Architecture.
- Application Binary Interface Standard , MIPS ABI Committee.
- Arial Software , Online marketing and Web traffic management software.
- ASN.1 Resources , Information and documentation for Abstract Syntax Notation One.
- ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) information:
- Search Duckduckgo
- Big ATM Picture , via ftp from Telcordia.
- ATM Chips, Product and Vendor List
- ATM Forum , Organization to promote and develop ATM technology.
- ATM Information , from the "Cell Relay Retreat" at University of Indiana.
- ATM information , from the High Speed Interconnect project at Cern .
- A Brief Tutorial on ATM , - somewhat dated (1992) but well written.
- Comparing ATM and Frame Relay , White Paper.
- IP Over ATM Working Group (IPATM) now the Internetworking Over NBMA Working Group
- Student ATM projects , from Students 3K .
- C3D biomechanics file format , for joint 3D position and analog data.
- Catalogs and Standards Information , from ANSI, ISO and IEC - searchable.
- CCITT , Some information from the Indiana Gopher server via Penn State University.
- CDMA and related topics , e.g. cellular (TIA/EIA/IS-95A) and PCS (ANSI J-STD-008).
- CIE , International Commission on Illumination.
- Common Data Security Architecture (CDSA) , from The Open Group.
- Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) , International space agencies data exchance standardization.
- CORBA information:
- All CORBA Specifications , from the Object Management Group (OMG) .
- CORBA Information Resources , from Los Alamos National Laboratory (unaffiliated with the OMG).
- Credit card payment protocol ,The SET protocol.
- Digital Television Links
- Info on DTV - The Origins and Future Prospects of Digital Television.
- Digital Video Broadcasting - The definitive authority on DVB. The DVB Project is a market-led consortium of public and private sector organizations in the television industry.
- DVB Standards , Digital satellite television technologies, reception, decryption.
- ATSC Advanced Television Systems Committe - The Advanced Television Systems Committee, Inc., is an international, non-profit organization developing voluntary standards for digital television.
- DVB Digital Video Broadcasting - The Digital Video Broadcasting Project is an industry-led consortium of over 200 broadcasters, manufacturers, network operators, software developers and regulators from around the world committed to designing open technical standards for the delivery of digital television
- Software for HDTV sets - Discusses design issues related to MPEG decoding for digital television.
- Data Interchange Standards Association (DISA) , secretariat for Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12 .
- Digital Audio Visual Interoperability Council (DAVIC) , International audio/video organization.
- DNP Protocol , Distributed Network Protocol, control protocol.
- DNS Resources Directory , Information on the Internet Domain Name System from The Internet Solution - South Africa.
- DOS Protected Mode Interface (DPMI) , Specification.
- Dynamic Host Configuration (dhc) , from IETF.
- Electronic Nautical Charts , What is ECDIS and what it can do.
- ECDIS information:
- Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange (TEI P3) , Guidlines and index.
- EPP and ECP (IEEE 1284) , Parallel Port Standard.
- EIA RS-343A, High Definition monochrome and color standard. DOD release, circa 1969
- Ethernet information:
- Search Yahoo
- Ethernet , Dan Kegel's Fast Ethernet Page.
- Ethernet , reference page from the Ethernet , information from the University of Texas.
- European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) , Organization for technical interoperability.
- FCS (Fibre Channel Standard) information:
- Search Lycos , - many.
- Search Yahoo
- FCS Information , from ftp.network.com - general information on Fibre Channel and X3T11 minutes.
- FCS Information from playground.sun.com , - Fibre Channel Systems Initiative.
- FCS Overview , from the High Speed Interconnect project at Cern .
- Fibre Channel Association, The , Industry association promoting Fibre Channel.
- Fibre Channel Fabric Element Managed Objects Definitions , - Internet Draft.
- Fibre Channel Information , from DPT.
- Fibre Channel Overview , - background information from Ancor Communications.
- Fibre Channel Profiles , ftp files from Symbois .
- Fibre Channel Systems Initiative (FCSI)
- Introduction
- IP Over Fibre Channel BOF (FIBREIP) , from the July '94 IETF .
- FDDI information:
- Search Yahoo
- FORTH , Information from ATHENA Programming under the direction of ANSI X3J14.
- Frame Relay information:
- Search Yahoo
- Cell Relay Retreat, the , from the University of Indiana.
- Comparing Frame Relay and ATM , from the Frame Relay Forum.
- Frame Relay overview , from Intel Network Systems.
- Frame Relay Tutorial , from Alliance Datacom.
- Graphical Symbols , Compliant to IEC Standard 417.
- HIPPI information:
- Search Yahoo
- HIPPI Bibliography , from Cray Research .
- HIPPI Information , from DPT.
- HIPPI information , from ftp.lanl.gov, some local and some from X3T11.
- HIPPI information , from ftp.network.com.
- HIPPI information , from the High Speed Interconnect project at Cern .
- HIPPI Networking Forum , and their HIPPI related links .
- HTML information:
- HTML - Defined? , from Wikipedia.
- HTML Beginner's Guide , from Pete Williams.
- HTML Design Guide , Clean and Simple.
- HTML information , from the W3 Consortium.
- How to Build a Website - Step by Step Guide , How to build a site using WordPress, Joomla, Drupal & HTML.
- HTTP information , from the W3 Consortium.
- I2O , Device independent input/output device interface standard.
- IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) , Electrical and electronic engineering standards body, Geneva.
- IEEE 1394 (Firewire) information:
- IEEE 802.9a documentation
- IEEE Standards information , - not the actual standards themselves which must be purchased (generally).
- IETF Documents under review , - rapidly changing documents.
- IETF RFCs from the InterNIC , - permanent documents.
- IMA (Interactive Media Association) , RFTs (empty as of 3/18/94).
- Internet Drafts index , from the IETF.
- Internet Protocol links , from netlab.itd.nrl.navy.mil.
- InterNIC , Internet Documentation (RFC's, FYI's, etc.).
- IP Next Generation information:
- IP Next Generation description , from Sun Microsystems.
- IP Next Generation student project , from Trinity College Dublin .
- IPv6 Information Page
- IP over ATM working group
- IPI , from ftp.network.com - minimal online material.
- ISDN information:
- Search Yahoo
- Broadcast ISDN User Guide & Directory , by Ian Britton.
- ISDN InfoCentre information page , from Open Communication Networks.
- ISDN information , from Dan Kegel at Cal Tech - Recommended.
- ISDN information , from Bellcore.
- ISDN Project Page , from Beckman Software Engineering.
- ISDN User's Guide , from Pacific Bell.
- ISDN users group , Texas - some good notes.
- ISDN Vendors list , by Todd Owens.
- ISO , International Standards Organization.
- ISO 10303 , - information from Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics (IGD).
- JAVA information:
- Introduction to Java , Online course from IBM.
- JAVA , Programming language and environment, from Sun.
- JavaScript information:
- JavaScript Resources , A collection of examples of JavaScript and DHTML.
- Yahoo on JavaScript , Yahoo's JavaScript section.
- JPEG , FAQ - Joint Photographic Experts Group image compression standard.
- Large File Format , standardization effort (64 bit indexes).
- LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
- Macintosh information:
- AusMac , Macintosh software archive.
- Macinsearch , Index and search engine.
- MBONE , multicast over IP (especially Internet) - good "home" page.
- Metadata standards comparison , from CIESIN .
- MHEG Centre - MHEG-5 has been adopted by the UK terrestrial multiples operators as the UK Content Decoder for the digital terrestrial services.
- MIME information:
- MPEG information:
- MPEG , Pointers and Resources.
- MPEG , Description.
- Official MPEG Committee Homepage - MPEG web site containing the specifications for the arious MPEG standards.
- Tutorial on MPEG-2 and DVB - This tutorial introduces the MPEG-2 standard and DVB (Digital Video Broadcast), a European digital standard.
- MPI information:
- Message Passing Interface (MPI) Standard , Library specification for message-passing.
- MPI Resources , Index from Mississippi State.
- MPLS Resource Center, The , IETF's Multiprotocol Label Switching Standard.
- Multicast IP and MBone , Student project from Trinity College Dublin .
- Multimedia Standards
- Multimedia-related RFCs
- NCITS (formerly X3 Accredited Standards Committee) , The ANSI committee on information technology.
- Network Computerâ„¢ Reference Profile , Apple, IBM, Oracle, Netscape, and Sun guidelines.
- Network Time Protocol (NTP) , from University of Delaware/HP.
- NITFS (National Imagery Transmission Format Standards) , MIL-STDs for platform independent image transmission.
- ODBC information:
- Open DataBase Connectivity information , from Microsoft.
- Win32::ODBC , Home page - documentation and information.
- Open Document Management API (ODMA) , API for document management systems (from AIIM).
- OSI Reference Model , Student project from Trinity College Dublin .
- PASC , IEEE's Portable Application Standards Committee, POSIX, etc..
- PCI information:
- PCI Bus , Efficient use notes from Intel.
- PCI Special Interest Group (PCISIG) , Industry membership organization promoting PCI.
- PCMCIA , What is PCMCIA? from Blackbox.
- PCMCIA , Links to PCMCIA-related sites - Phoenix Technologies.
- Perl , Perl programming language resource Web site.
- PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) , Public domain public key cryptography, index.
- PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) , Workshop with overview and tutorial material - Pretty (sic) good.
- Phase Relationships in the Standardization Process , Comments by James Gosling.
- PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) , Communication package for Unix systems, from Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
- Python , Programming language, interpretative, interactive, object-oriented, extensible.
- QuickTime , Multimedia architecture for synchronized graphics, sound, video, text and music.
- RGB/YUV Pixel Conversion , Formula, tables and guides for converting between color spaces.
- RFC , Index and search engine from the IETF.
- RFC , HTML linked from MIT - searching available.
- RFC , Repositories - a URL list from Cern. Somewhat dated (10/94) but still useful.
- Rich Text Format (RTF) , Translation tools, specs (RTF format), etc..
- RSVP , (IETF Working Group ) Internet resource reservation setup protocol.
- S/390 Parallel Sysplex(tm) , High availability system for online transaction processing (OLTP).
- SC4 On-Line Information Service (SOLIS) , ISO TC184/SC4 subcomittee (Industrial/manufacturing).
- SCI (Scalable Coherent Interface) information:
- Search Yahoo
- SCI Information , from the High Speed Interconnect project at Cern .
- SCI Related activity , at the University of Oslo .
- SCI related drafts , ANSI/IEEE Std 1596-1992 from Cern.
- SCIzzL , SLDRAM (formerly SyncLink) Trade Association, SCI users.
- SCSI information:
- Search Yahoo
- SCSI FAQ , from Ohio State.
- SCSI, T10 and I/O standard related information , from Symbios Logic .
- SDL (Specification and Description Language) , for communications systems, ITU standard.
- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), The , Netscape secure TCP connectivity proposal to IETF.
- SFODB (Spaceborne Fiber Optic Data Bus) , Technical/tutorial IEEE 1393 SFODB standard information.
- SGML , Standard Generalized Markup Language.
- SGML , Discussion.
- SGML , ftp server.
- SMDS information:
- SMIL information:
- Information site , Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language.
- Specification , Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language.
- SNMP , and network management.
- SONET information:
- Search Yahoo
- SONET Interoperability Forum , Organization to promote SONET deployment.
- SPICE , Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination, a standard for software process assessment.
- SQL , Database query language.
- SS7 (Signaling System 7) , Telephone switching protocol overview.
- SSA (Serial Storage Architecture) , Peripheral interconnect architecture from IBM.
- STEP parts status , from the University of Karlsruhe.
- STEP information:
- STEP information , from Ikeda Lab, Chiba University.
- STEP Project, The , STEP documentation from the US NIST.
- U.S. Product Data Association (US PRO) , - Product data exchange information from the U.S. Product Data Association.
- What is STEP? , Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data.
- T1 , Telecommunications Committee - American National Standards Institute (ANSI) committee.
- T10 (formerly X3T10) , I/O Standards from NCITS (e.g. SCSI and ATA [IDE], SSA).
- T11 (ANSI/NCITS) Standards Information , Fibre Channel (FCS) and HIPPI.
- T13 Technical Committee , AT attachment (portables/laptops, disk attachment).
- TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) information:
- Introduction to the Internet Protocols , including TCP.
- Port Numbers , from USC/ISI and the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority).
- TCP RFC - RFC793 , The original TCP Request For Comments, RFC 793, 9/81.
- TCP/IP index , from Yahoo.
- TCP/IP Resources List , Books, Web index, etc..
- TWAIN , Image acquisition (e.g. scanner) application programming interface (API) standard.
- TWIRP , Two-Way InfraRed Protocol for remote control interaction.
- UDP (User Datagram Protocol) , the RFC - RFC768.
- Unicode , Worldwide character encoding standard from the Unicode Consortium.
- Unified Modeling Language (UML) , Language for specifying and documenting software artifacts.
- Unix information:
- ACITS Unix Resources , Introduction to Unix (1997) from U. of Texas.
- Unix Programming Resources , Unix Resource guide by Tom Wilcox.
- Unix Guru Universe , Sysadmin oriented index and search engine.
- UNIX Reference Desk , Unix index and search engine.
- UNIX Sysadmin Resources , Index.
- USB (Universal Serial Bus) information:
- USB Developers page , Serial peripheral interconnect for PCs.
- USB information index , from Yahoo.
- USENET information:
- ATM, SMDS, and related technologies (comp.dcom.cell-relay FAQ)
- BIG-LAN/bit.listserv.big-lan FAQ
- Configuring the Telebit Trailblazer for Use with UNIX FAQ
- FAQs , (list from Ohio State).
- FDDI FAQ (comp.dcom.lans.fddi) , from University of Indiana.
- Internet access FAQ
- Internet Services FAQ
- ISO Standards FAQ
- Mpeg FAQ
- OSI Protocols FAQ
- PGP FAQ , Pretty Good Privacy - available Public Key Encryption algorithms.
- Ripem Public Key e-mail encryption FAQ
- TCP/IP over ISDN FAQ , largely in German.
- VCCI , Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Information Technology Equipment.
- VDSL Tutorial , Very high rate Digital Subscriber Line for data over fiber/copper.
- VRML information:
- Annotated VRML 97 Reference Manual, The , Online manual - extensive.
- VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) , Repository from UCSD.
- WAP information:
- Wireless Access Protocol , Specifications.
- Windows information:
- WinFiles.com , Information and resources for the various Windows OSs from Microsoft.
- WinUser , Information and resources for the various Windows OSs from Microsoft.
- X.400-FAQ
- X.500 - the OSI Directory Standard
- X12 Accredited Standards Committee , ANSI electronic data interchange (EDI) body.
- X3T11 , from ftp.network.com - Minimal to no online material.
- xDSL (Digital Subscriber Line) information:
- xDSL Glossary , Glossary of xDSL terminology from Aware.
- xDSL News , Digital subscriber line (xDSL) information/news from Telechoice.
- XML (eXtensible Markup Language) information: