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Standards and Cross References
  1. Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12 , ANSI body to develop Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standards.
  2. ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) information:
    1. Search Yahoo
    2. ADSL Forum
    3. Dan Kegel's page , Mostly historical (last supported 1996).
    4. Tutorial on this technology for data over twisted pair
  3. ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
  4. ANSI National Standards Search Engine
  5. Application Binary Interface Standard , ABI+ Group for Intel Architecture.
  6. Application Binary Interface Standard , MIPS ABI Committee.
  7. Arial Software , Online marketing and Web traffic management software.
  8. ASN.1 Resources , Information and documentation for Abstract Syntax Notation One.
  9. ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) information:
    1. Search Duckduckgo
    2. Big ATM Picture , via ftp from Telcordia.
    3. ATM Chips, Product and Vendor List
    4. ATM Forum , Organization to promote and develop ATM technology.
    5. ATM Information , from the "Cell Relay Retreat" at University of Indiana.
    6. ATM information , from the High Speed Interconnect project at Cern .
    7. A Brief Tutorial on ATM , - somewhat dated (1992) but well written.
    8. Comparing ATM and Frame Relay , White Paper.
    9. IP Over ATM Working Group (IPATM) now the Internetworking Over NBMA Working Group
    10. Student ATM projects , from Students 3K .
  10. C3D biomechanics file format , for joint 3D position and analog data.
  11. Catalogs and Standards Information , from ANSI, ISO and IEC - searchable.
  12. CCITT , Some information from the Indiana Gopher server via Penn State University.
  13. CDMA and related topics , e.g. cellular (TIA/EIA/IS-95A) and PCS (ANSI J-STD-008).
  14. CIE , International Commission on Illumination.
  15. Common Data Security Architecture (CDSA) , from The Open Group.
  16. Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) , International space agencies data exchance standardization.
  17. CORBA information:
    1. All CORBA Specifications , from the Object Management Group (OMG) .
    2. CORBA Information Resources , from Los Alamos National Laboratory (unaffiliated with the OMG).
  18. Credit card payment protocol ,The SET protocol.
  19. Digital Television Links
    1. Info on DTV - The Origins and Future Prospects of Digital Television.
    2. Digital Video Broadcasting - The definitive authority on DVB. The DVB Project is a market-led consortium of public and private sector organizations in the television industry.
    3. DVB Standards , Digital satellite television technologies, reception, decryption.
    4. ATSC Advanced Television Systems Committe - The Advanced Television Systems Committee, Inc., is an international, non-profit organization developing voluntary standards for digital television.
    5. DVB Digital Video Broadcasting - The Digital Video Broadcasting Project is an industry-led consortium of over 200 broadcasters, manufacturers, network operators, software developers and regulators from around the world committed to designing open technical standards for the delivery of digital television
    6. Software for HDTV sets - Discusses design issues related to MPEG decoding for digital television.
  20. Data Interchange Standards Association (DISA) , secretariat for Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12 .
  21. Digital Audio Visual Interoperability Council (DAVIC) , International audio/video organization.
  22. DNP Protocol , Distributed Network Protocol, control protocol.
  23. DNS Resources Directory , Information on the Internet Domain Name System from The Internet Solution - South Africa.
  24. DOS Protected Mode Interface (DPMI) , Specification.
  25. Dynamic Host Configuration (dhc) , from IETF.
  26. Electronic Nautical Charts , What is ECDIS and what it can do.
  27. ECDIS information:
  28. Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange (TEI P3) , Guidlines and index.
  29. EPP and ECP (IEEE 1284) , Parallel Port Standard.
  30. EIA RS-343A, High Definition monochrome and color standard. DOD release, circa 1969
  31. Ethernet information:
    1. Search Yahoo
    2. Ethernet , Dan Kegel's Fast Ethernet Page.
    3. Ethernet , reference page from the Ethernet , information from the University of Texas.
  32. European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) , Organization for technical interoperability.
  33. FCS (Fibre Channel Standard) information:
    1. Search Lycos , - many.
    2. Search Yahoo
    3. FCS Information , from - general information on Fibre Channel and X3T11 minutes.
    4. FCS Information from , - Fibre Channel Systems Initiative.
    5. FCS Overview , from the High Speed Interconnect project at Cern .
    6. Fibre Channel Association, The , Industry association promoting Fibre Channel.
    7. Fibre Channel Fabric Element Managed Objects Definitions , - Internet Draft.
    8. Fibre Channel Information , from DPT.
    9. Fibre Channel Overview , - background information from Ancor Communications.
    10. Fibre Channel Profiles , ftp files from Symbois .
    11. Fibre Channel Systems Initiative (FCSI)
    12. Introduction
    13. IP Over Fibre Channel BOF (FIBREIP) , from the July '94 IETF .
  34. FDDI information:
    1. Search Yahoo
    2. FDDI , FAQ.
  35. FORTH , Information from ATHENA Programming under the direction of ANSI X3J14.
  36. Frame Relay information:
    1. Search Yahoo
    2. Cell Relay Retreat, the , from the University of Indiana.
    3. Comparing Frame Relay and ATM , from the Frame Relay Forum.
    4. Frame Relay overview , from Intel Network Systems.
    5. Frame Relay Tutorial , from Alliance Datacom.
  37. Graphical Symbols , Compliant to IEC Standard 417.
  38. HIPPI information:
    1. Search Yahoo
    2. HIPPI Bibliography , from Cray Research .
    3. HIPPI Information , from DPT.
    4. HIPPI information , from, some local and some from X3T11.
    5. HIPPI information , from
    6. HIPPI information , from the High Speed Interconnect project at Cern .
    7. HIPPI Networking Forum , and their HIPPI related links .
  39. HTML information:
    1. HTML - Defined? , from Wikipedia.
    2. HTML Beginner's Guide , from Pete Williams.
    3. HTML Design Guide , Clean and Simple.
    4. HTML information , from the W3 Consortium.
    5. How to Build a Website - Step by Step Guide , How to build a site using WordPress, Joomla, Drupal & HTML.
  40. HTTP information , from the W3 Consortium.
  41. I2O , Device independent input/output device interface standard.
  42. IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) , Electrical and electronic engineering standards body, Geneva.
  43. IEEE 1394 (Firewire) information:
    1. IEEE 1394 - COMPCON overview from Skipstone
    2. IEEE 1394 Serial Bus (Firewire) Trade Association
    3. IEEE 1394 Specification information
    4. IEEE 1394 Technical Overview from Texas Instruments
    5. IEEE 1394 Product Availability from Philips
  44. IEEE 802.9a documentation
  45. IEEE Standards information , - not the actual standards themselves which must be purchased (generally).
  46. IETF Documents under review , - rapidly changing documents.
  47. IETF RFCs from the InterNIC , - permanent documents.
  48. IMA (Interactive Media Association) , RFTs (empty as of 3/18/94).
  49. Internet Drafts index , from the IETF.
  50. Internet Protocol links , from
  51. InterNIC , Internet Documentation (RFC's, FYI's, etc.).
  52. IP Next Generation information:
    1. IP Next Generation description , from Sun Microsystems.
    2. IP Next Generation student project , from Trinity College Dublin .
    3. IPv6 Information Page
  53. IP over ATM working group
  54. IPI , from - minimal online material.
  55. ISDN information:
    1. Search Yahoo
    2. Broadcast ISDN User Guide & Directory , by Ian Britton.
    3. ISDN InfoCentre information page , from Open Communication Networks.
    4. ISDN information , from Dan Kegel at Cal Tech - Recommended.
    5. ISDN information , from Bellcore.
    6. ISDN Project Page , from Beckman Software Engineering.
    7. ISDN User's Guide , from Pacific Bell.
    8. ISDN users group , Texas - some good notes.
    9. ISDN Vendors list , by Todd Owens.
  56. ISO , International Standards Organization.
  57. ISO 10303 , - information from Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics (IGD).
  58. JAVA information:
    1. Introduction to Java , Online course from IBM.
    2. JAVA , Programming language and environment, from Sun.
  59. JavaScript information:
    1. JavaScript Resources , A collection of examples of JavaScript and DHTML.
    2. Yahoo on JavaScript , Yahoo's JavaScript section.
  60. JPEG , FAQ - Joint Photographic Experts Group image compression standard.
  61. Large File Format , standardization effort (64 bit indexes).
  62. LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
  63. Macintosh information:
    1. AusMac , Macintosh software archive.
    2. Macinsearch , Index and search engine.
  64. MBONE , multicast over IP (especially Internet) - good "home" page.
  65. Metadata standards comparison , from CIESIN .
  66. MHEG Centre - MHEG-5 has been adopted by the UK terrestrial multiples operators as the UK Content Decoder for the digital terrestrial services.
  67. MIME information:
    1. MIME , Types.
    2. MIME , Overview.
    3. MIME , RFC 1521 (obsoletes RFC1341 ).
  68. MPEG information:
    1. MPEG , Pointers and Resources.
    2. MPEG , FAQ.
    3. MPEG , Description.
    4. Official MPEG Committee Homepage - MPEG web site containing the specifications for the arious MPEG standards.
    5. Tutorial on MPEG-2 and DVB - This tutorial introduces the MPEG-2 standard and DVB (Digital Video Broadcast), a European digital standard.
  69. MPI information:
    1. Message Passing Interface (MPI) Standard , Library specification for message-passing.
    2. MPI Resources , Index from Mississippi State.
  70. MPLS Resource Center, The , IETF's Multiprotocol Label Switching Standard.
  71. Multicast IP and MBone , Student project from Trinity College Dublin .
  72. Multimedia Standards
  73. Multimedia-related RFCs
  74. NCITS (formerly X3 Accredited Standards Committee) , The ANSI committee on information technology.
  75. Network Computerâ„¢ Reference Profile , Apple, IBM, Oracle, Netscape, and Sun guidelines.
  76. Network Time Protocol (NTP) , from University of Delaware/HP.
  77. NITFS (National Imagery Transmission Format Standards) , MIL-STDs for platform independent image transmission.
  78. ODBC information:
    1. Open DataBase Connectivity information , from Microsoft.
    2. Win32::ODBC , Home page - documentation and information.
  79. Open Document Management API (ODMA) , API for document management systems (from AIIM).
  80. OSI Reference Model , Student project from Trinity College Dublin .
  81. PASC , IEEE's Portable Application Standards Committee, POSIX, etc..
  82. PCI information:
    1. PCI Bus , Efficient use notes from Intel.
    2. PCI Special Interest Group (PCISIG) , Industry membership organization promoting PCI.
  83. PCMCIA , What is PCMCIA? from Blackbox.
  84. PCMCIA , Links to PCMCIA-related sites - Phoenix Technologies.
  85. Perl , Perl programming language resource Web site.
  86. PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) , Public domain public key cryptography, index.
  87. PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) , Workshop with overview and tutorial material - Pretty (sic) good.
  88. Phase Relationships in the Standardization Process , Comments by James Gosling.
  89. PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) , Communication package for Unix systems, from Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
  90. Python , Programming language, interpretative, interactive, object-oriented, extensible.
  91. QuickTime , Multimedia architecture for synchronized graphics, sound, video, text and music.
  92. RGB/YUV Pixel Conversion , Formula, tables and guides for converting between color spaces.
  93. RFC , Index and search engine from the IETF.
  94. RFC , HTML linked from MIT - searching available.
  95. RFC , Repositories - a URL list from Cern. Somewhat dated (10/94) but still useful.
  96. Rich Text Format (RTF) , Translation tools, specs (RTF format), etc..
  97. RSVP , (IETF Working Group ) Internet resource reservation setup protocol.
  98. S/390 Parallel Sysplex(tm) , High availability system for online transaction processing (OLTP).
  99. SC4 On-Line Information Service (SOLIS) , ISO TC184/SC4 subcomittee (Industrial/manufacturing).
  100. SCI (Scalable Coherent Interface) information:
    1. Search Yahoo
    2. SCI Information , from the High Speed Interconnect project at Cern .
    3. SCI Related activity , at the University of Oslo .
    4. SCI related drafts , ANSI/IEEE Std 1596-1992 from Cern.
    5. SCIzzL , SLDRAM (formerly SyncLink) Trade Association, SCI users.
  101. SCSI information:
    1. Search Yahoo
    2. SCSI FAQ , from Ohio State.
    3. SCSI, T10 and I/O standard related information , from Symbios Logic .
  102. SDL (Specification and Description Language) , for communications systems, ITU standard.
  103. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), The , Netscape secure TCP connectivity proposal to IETF.
  104. SFODB (Spaceborne Fiber Optic Data Bus) , Technical/tutorial IEEE 1393 SFODB standard information.
  105. SGML , Standard Generalized Markup Language.
  106. SGML , Discussion.
  107. SGML , ftp server.
  108. SMDS information:
    1. Search Yahoo
    2. SMDS Information , from CERFnet .
    3. SMDS Interest Group
  109. SMIL information:
    1. Information site , Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language.
    2. Specification , Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language.
  110. SNMP , and network management.
  111. SONET information:
    1. Search Yahoo
    2. SONET Interoperability Forum , Organization to promote SONET deployment.
  112. SPICE , Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination, a standard for software process assessment.
  113. SQL , Database query language.
  114. SS7 (Signaling System 7) , Telephone switching protocol overview.
  115. SSA (Serial Storage Architecture) , Peripheral interconnect architecture from IBM.
  116. STEP parts status , from the University of Karlsruhe.
  117. STEP information:
    1. STEP information , from Ikeda Lab, Chiba University.
    2. STEP Project, The , STEP documentation from the US NIST.
    3. U.S. Product Data Association (US PRO) , - Product data exchange information from the U.S. Product Data Association.
    4. What is STEP? , Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data.
  118. T1 , Telecommunications Committee - American National Standards Institute (ANSI) committee.
  119. T10 (formerly X3T10) , I/O Standards from NCITS (e.g. SCSI and ATA [IDE], SSA).
  120. T11 (ANSI/NCITS) Standards Information , Fibre Channel (FCS) and HIPPI.
  121. T13 Technical Committee , AT attachment (portables/laptops, disk attachment).
  122. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) information:
    1. Introduction to the Internet Protocols , including TCP.
    2. Port Numbers , from USC/ISI and the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority).
    3. TCP RFC - RFC793 , The original TCP Request For Comments, RFC 793, 9/81.
    4. TCP/IP index , from Yahoo.
    5. TCP/IP Resources List , Books, Web index, etc..
  123. TWAIN , Image acquisition (e.g. scanner) application programming interface (API) standard.
  124. TWIRP , Two-Way InfraRed Protocol for remote control interaction.
  125. UDP (User Datagram Protocol) , the RFC - RFC768.
  126. Unicode , Worldwide character encoding standard from the Unicode Consortium.
  127. Unified Modeling Language (UML) , Language for specifying and documenting software artifacts.
  128. Unix information:
    1. ACITS Unix Resources , Introduction to Unix (1997) from U. of Texas.
    2. Unix Programming Resources , Unix Resource guide by Tom Wilcox.
    3. Unix Guru Universe , Sysadmin oriented index and search engine.
    4. UNIX Reference Desk , Unix index and search engine.
    5. UNIX Sysadmin Resources , Index.
  129. USB (Universal Serial Bus) information:
    1. USB Developers page , Serial peripheral interconnect for PCs.
    2. USB information index , from Yahoo.
  130. USENET information:
    1. ATM, SMDS, and related technologies (comp.dcom.cell-relay FAQ)
    2. BIG-LAN/bit.listserv.big-lan FAQ
    3. Configuring the Telebit Trailblazer for Use with UNIX FAQ
    4. FAQs , (list from Ohio State).
    5. FDDI FAQ (comp.dcom.lans.fddi) , from University of Indiana.
    6. Internet access FAQ
    7. Internet Services FAQ
    8. ISO Standards FAQ
    9. LANs FAQ
    10. Mpeg FAQ
    11. OSI Protocols FAQ
    12. PC-Mac TCP/IP & NFS FAQ FAQ
    13. PGP FAQ , Pretty Good Privacy - available Public Key Encryption algorithms.
    14. Ripem Public Key e-mail encryption FAQ
    15. SNMP FAQ
    16. TCP/IP over ISDN FAQ , largely in German.
  131. VCCI , Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Information Technology Equipment.
  132. VDSL Tutorial , Very high rate Digital Subscriber Line for data over fiber/copper.
  133. VRML information:
    1. Annotated VRML 97 Reference Manual, The , Online manual - extensive.
    2. VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) , Repository from UCSD.
  134. WAP information:
    1. Wireless Access Protocol , Specifications. New!
  135. Windows information:
    1. , Information and resources for the various Windows OSs from Microsoft.
    2. WinUser , Information and resources for the various Windows OSs from Microsoft.
  136. X.400-FAQ
  137. X.500 - the OSI Directory Standard
  138. X12 Accredited Standards Committee , ANSI electronic data interchange (EDI) body.
  139. X3T11 , from - Minimal to no online material.
  140. xDSL (Digital Subscriber Line) information:
    1. xDSL Glossary , Glossary of xDSL terminology from Aware.
    2. xDSL News , Digital subscriber line (xDSL) information/news from Telechoice.
  141. XML (eXtensible Markup Language) information:
    1. Online XML magazine
    2. The XML Files from Web Developer
    3. W3C information

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